Apply for Home Repairs and Secondary Suites Funding


Ontario Renovates (Home Repairs):

The Ontario Renovates Program includes funding for urgent repairs, renovations, and accessibility modifications for low to moderate income homeowners. Funding of up to $15,000 per unit is available. Accessibility modifications are particularly beneficial for seniors to allow them to 'age in place' and persons with disabilities who require unit modifications.

Application intake for urgent home repairs and accessibility modifications is year round; however, as funding is limited, applicants may be placed on a waitlist. Eligible applications are reviewed in the order they are received.

For application details, click here.

For more information on Urgent Home Repairs and Accessibility Modifications, click here for the fact sheet.

Secondary Suites:

The Secondary Suites Program provides funding of up to $25,000 per unit for the creation of a secondary or garden suite which is an effective means to increase the supply of affordable housing.

Application intake for the Secondary Suites Program is year round. Funding is limited, but is currently available for eligible applications. 

For application details, click here.

For more information on Secondary and Garden Suites, click here for the fact sheet.

For a list of Frequently Asked Questions, click here.

Maximum Market Rents and Maximum Tenant Income – 2018 click here.

Investment in Affordable Housing for Ontario
